PTFPI Lines Lines of surface preparation Chemicals Accessories Producers The company SREM Technologies was founded in 1952 by Mr. Durand and BERGER . In 1953, the first Magnetic Particles Inspection bench was designed in France, the Contromag C16 . Two years later it...
MTStationary magnetic defectoscopes Generators Chemicals Accessories Producers UV and white light portable lamp designed for easy use in any application. Compliant with: NADCAP – AIRBUS AITM6-1001 Issue 12 – ASTM E-3022-15 – Pratt Whitney FPM Master...
›MT-eng MTStationary magnetic defectoscopes Generators Chemicals Accessories Producers Magnaflux is a manufacturer of materials and products for penetration testing and magnetic-particle testing in the field of non-destructive testing. Magnaflux NDT solutions have...
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